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Kristina Harpe

AGACNP-BC & Certified Nurse Practitioner located in Fayetteville, GA

Kristina Harpe is Board Certified Acute Care Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner. She received her bachelor's at the University of Oklahoma, Heath Sciences Center and Master of Science in Nursing from University of Alabama, Birmingham, She has a background that focused on critical care medicine and now focuses her practice on developing great patient relationships and preventive healthcare.  Kristina is a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and volunteers at an outreach program. Kristina is originally from the midwestern city amd state of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, She has now been a Georgia resident for fifteen years. Her hobbies and interest include spending time with her Pomeranian named Lucas, cooking, yoga traveling with friends and family, live sports and music. 

Kristina Harpe

Kristina Harpe is Board Certified Acute Care Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner. She received her bachelor's at the University of Oklahoma, Heath Sciences Center and Master of Science in Nursing from University of Alabama, Birmingham, She has a background that focused on critical care medicine and now focuses her practice on developing great patient relationships and preventive healthcare.  Kristina is a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and volunteers at an outreach program. Kristina is originally from the midwestern city amd state of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, She has now been a Georgia resident for fifteen years. Her hobbies and interest include spending time with her Pomeranian named Lucas, cooking, yoga traveling with friends and family, live sports and music. 

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Accepted Insurance Providers

AIM participates in most major insurance plans. To confirm that your plan is accepted by AIM or to discuss the possibility of your plan being accepted by AIM, please call us and ask for the billing department. Also see the Insurance Plans page for more information.

Anthem BCBS
BCBS Federal Employee Program
Medicare Part B