Kybella for Double Chin
Kybella is a liquid injection of a medicine that has been in use for over 20 years for other medical applications. It has natural fat-destroying activity. It is FDA approved to destroy fat cells under the chin giving a better side profile for those wishing to improve this area. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes. small amounts of the liquid are injected just under the skin to the fatty layer. over a period of 2-3 months, the fat is slowly destroyed and absorbed by the body. What is left behind is collagen and other stronger tissue that gives the neck a firmer and thinner appearance on profile. Since there is fat destruction, there is some pain involved but this can usually be managed with ice and lasts for approximately 15-30 minutes after the procedure. Most people require 2 or 3 treatments 2 months apart for remarkable results. Dr. Horton is an expert with using Kybella. Please call 470 371 5070 to schedule your appointment if you think you are interested in eliminating your double chin.
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